Monday, July 1, 2013

Church Shopping

So far in my blog I've posted about pretty light topics- style, shopping, food, etc. Today I'm going to post about something a little deeper.. my faith life.

Faith has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up going to my family's church, belonged to youth group, taught Sunday school and was a member of Young Life. But in time, as I grew in my faith I realized that I was looking for a different kind of church than I had grown up with. My childhood church is very traditional... a grand building with beautiful hymns and a rich history. As much as I loved this church, I didn't feel the connection to the songs and sermon the way that I did at a more contemporary church. And so I started church shopping. I visited several different churches with different friends, all the while slowly figuring out what it was that I wanted in a church home. 

Flash forward to going away to college at the University of Missouri in Columbia. It took me a year, but I FINALLY found what I had been looking for.. a lively church with great music and a young congregation. But as 4 years at school came to an end and I moved back home to St Louis, I had to leave that church that I was beginning to find my place in. And so the church shopping continues..

Yesterday I visited a church that I think could really work for me. From what I saw and heard, it seems similar to the church I loved in Columbia. Maybe my shopping will end here? It will take some more visits and prayer to know for sure... but I'm excited about what is to come!

Hope you had a nice weekend!
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