Saturday, August 17, 2013

TGITW! (Thank God It's The Weekend!)

It's official... school has started! The first week of my third year of teaching is in the books, and boy am I whipped! Its obvious my body was used to doing pretty much nothing in the summer, and then WHAM a full day of high schoolers happens. Overall I'm really looking forward to this year.. I have four classes of upperclassmen and two of lowerclassmen. I keep forgetting to take pictures of my classroom.. stay tuned, its pretty cute :).

Speaking of cute... this is my newest creation.

 I bought the dress from Gap Outlet and used heat transfer vinyl to monogram it. Pretty easy and super adorable!

Anywho, this weekend my 'to do' list is about a mile long... but I'm still looking forward to sleeping in past 5:30! (Yes... I have to get up at 5:30 during school year... blah!)

Tonight we're having enchiladas... my husband's absolute fave! You can find the recipe here.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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