Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teacher Talk- Week One!

I have to say, I am so pumped for this link up series! A huge 'thanks' goes out to Jamie and Nicole for setting this up! If there's one thing I miss from college it's having the support of my friends and fellow teachers as we went through student teaching, so I'm hopeful that this group of teacher-bloggers will give me a similar experience :)

                                    Secondary Science Education Group... my support team!

This first week is all about who I am as a teacher. I teach in a Catholic high school in a suburb of St. Louis, MO. This year is my third year, and I currently teach Environmental Science and Biology. I love love love the school I'm at... and I love teaching science!! But the best part of my job is the kids. They amaze me everyday and keep life "real".

                                            My partner teacher... aka my bestie!
                                            They call us the 'bio buds' :)

 My faith is really important to me, so it is awesome to be able to work and love Jesus at the same time! I am so blessed to have this amazing place to work.. where He is always the first priority.

It's always been hard for me to explain "why I teach". Teaching has always been a part of me... its always been what I wanted to do. And I cannot give enough credit to the amazing teachers I've had along the way, as they've totally solidified this decision.

I hope that gives you a little "snapshot" of who I am as a teacher... I can't wait to read about all the other awesome teachers doing this link up!

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  1. hey! I think that you are my teaching buddy! :] I also definitely miss the camaraderie of being in school and having the support all of the time but thankfully my school has really great 'teams' and those are my 'go-to' people. I love those 'keep calm' shirts, too cute!

    If you check out my post you will see all about me so i'm not gonna repeat it all here but i'm super excited for us to be buddies through this link up! :]

  2. How awesome that you have someone close in age that you can connect with at work! I agree with Jessica, love the shirts.

  3. So fun to have a teaching friend!! I also love that I get to mix my love for Jesus in with my teaching. I student taught at a public school so this is SO different for me! Can't wait to read more of your posts. :)
