Saturday, August 10, 2013

Go Greek! 5 Tips for Going Through Recruitment

Hello, hello! It's about that time of year when everyone is gearing up for school to start. If you're in college, this could mean getting ready for recruitment. I am a few years out of college now, but I still remember the excitement and nervousness I felt as I went through rush, and then the excitement and exhaustion of recruiting women into my sorority. I was also on the Panhellenic side of it for two years as VP of Finance and President, so I really did see all angles of it. My heart goes out to you if you are about to go through rush... it can be confusing and overwhelming, but I promise, it's worth it!

Here are 5 tips that will hopefully make the experience a little easier.

1. Most importantly, be yourself. Don't pretend you love sports just because the girl you are talking to loves sports. You will be with whatever chapter you choose for 4 years and beyond, so you want to make sure that you find the chapter that reflects what you love and care about. (That's not to say that just because that one girl loves sports that the whole chapter does)

2. Keep an open mind. You could very well go into the whole experience thinking that you know where you want to end up. Guess what... there very well could be another chapter that ends up being a better fit or more appealing!

3. Don't listen to what others say. Your roommate may have  a COMPLETELY different experience than you at Beta Beta Beta. Trust your heart and what you feel. It's okay to have a different opinion... that's why there are so many different sororities!

4. This goes hand in hand with # 3, don't speak negatively about chapters. Even if you think Beta Beta Beta is the worst sorority ever created, keep it to yourself. You never know who is loving that chapter.... plus it just looks ugly.

5. Be your best self.  Get a lot of sleep, use your best shampoo, get your nails done... do whatever you need to do to feel your best. If you feel your best, you will have self confidence... and what is more beautiful than that?

Good luck to all! The week will be long and probably stressful but it is so worth it in the end! 3 of my 5 bridesmaids were sorority sisters... you truly are about to meet your best friends!

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