Monday, January 6, 2014

Bedtime Skin Care Routine

I believe that if you take care of your skin, your skin will take care of you. It may sound cliché but in my experience it's absolutely true! I can remember going to bed in high school with my makeup still on and without washing my face... sick.

Well times have certainly changed... I spend at least 10 mins on my face before bed now. Nothing crazy... I follow a simple 4 step procedure.

Step 1: Remove eye makeup


My Mom got me a bottle of Sephora brand remover for Christmas... I really like it. I'm not too picky when it comes to this step, though. As long as it gets my mascara off, I'm happy.

Step 2: Wash face

Love this Neutrogena face wash. Something I've learned along the way is to always use a clean wash cloth and warm water. Pretty common sense when you think about it.

Step 3: Apply toner

Ok... here is where I am a total convert. I used to think "Toner? What a waste of time and money." WRONG-O! Toner gets everything that the face wash didn't. My breakouts are days shorter since using toner.

Step 4: Moisturize

Most important step! Origins makes an awesome cream. It smells great and it chock full of good stuff. It's a little heavy for all day use, but perfect for before bed.

That's it!  Pretty simple and easy to do. You can spend an arm and a leg on face washes and creams but I don't think its necessary to have good skin.

What products do you love?

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