Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Iced Green Tea

Drinking enough water is so important, but when I just don't feel like plain ol' H2O I like to mix it up with flavored water or iced tea. This summer I purchased a pitcher from Bed Bath and Beyond that has a column to infuse water/tea with fruit and herbs.
There are endless ways to use this pitcher, but lately I've been loving iced green tea infused with orange and mint!



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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Protein Rich Breakfast Burritos

One of my goals for 2014 is to eat a higher protein breakfast. This can be hard to do when I am usually running out the door to get to work on time. The solution? Making these bad boys ahead of time, freezing them and then popping one in the microwave as the Keurig is booting up. And the bonus (besides being delicious!) is that they are high in protein so they keep me feeling full until lunch time.

Ingredients (makes 10 burritos):

-10 tortillas (I opted for the low calorie low carb variety)
-10 eggs
-1/4 cup skim milk
-1 15 oz can black beans
-1 10 oz can rotel (I like the hot kind... salsa works too)
-1 cup shredded cheese
-1/2 tsp cumin
-1/2 tsp black pepper
-1/2 tsp chili powder
-Cilantro to taste (optional)

1. Scramble the eggs (I did this in two stages.. 10 eggs is a lot!)

2. Combine eggs, rotel, black beans and cheese in mixing bowl. Add spices and cilantro as desired.

3. Lay out tortillas and spoon egg mixture evenly into each.

4. Fold/roll tortilla into burrito, roll in foil and fold in sides.

5. Store in freezer.

Heating them up is easy too- just unroll from foil, wrap a wet paper towel around it and microwave for 45 secs to 1 min. I then use the tin foil to hold it since I eat it in the car :)

Couple this burrito with a piece of fruit and I'd call it a perfect breakfast!

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Bedtime Skin Care Routine

I believe that if you take care of your skin, your skin will take care of you. It may sound cliché but in my experience it's absolutely true! I can remember going to bed in high school with my makeup still on and without washing my face... sick.

Well times have certainly changed... I spend at least 10 mins on my face before bed now. Nothing crazy... I follow a simple 4 step procedure.

Step 1: Remove eye makeup


My Mom got me a bottle of Sephora brand remover for Christmas... I really like it. I'm not too picky when it comes to this step, though. As long as it gets my mascara off, I'm happy.

Step 2: Wash face

Love this Neutrogena face wash. Something I've learned along the way is to always use a clean wash cloth and warm water. Pretty common sense when you think about it.

Step 3: Apply toner

Ok... here is where I am a total convert. I used to think "Toner? What a waste of time and money." WRONG-O! Toner gets everything that the face wash didn't. My breakouts are days shorter since using toner.

Step 4: Moisturize

Most important step! Origins makes an awesome cream. It smells great and it chock full of good stuff. It's a little heavy for all day use, but perfect for before bed.

That's it!  Pretty simple and easy to do. You can spend an arm and a leg on face washes and creams but I don't think its necessary to have good skin.

What products do you love?

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hello from Snowy St. Louis!

Christmas break was scheduled to end tomorrow... but 14 inches of snow and low temps means SNOW DAY!!!


Since I had all of my school stuff done, and couldn't exactly go ANYWHERE... I did quite a few 'crafty' things around the house.

I am loving this gift of time! Tomorrow I'm planning to do a little cooking, a little reading and mayyyybe some school work :) Hope you are staying warm wherever you are!

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