Monday, July 8, 2013

Book Worm

Happy Monday, everyone! I have had GREAT book karma this summer! Every book I've picked up has been really amazing... so here I am to share the wealth!

                                                         (How To Be Lost)
A story about a family and their struggles through alcoholism, depression and a missing child. Suspension and mystery until the end.

                                                         (Garden of Stones)
This book is my favorite so far... A Japanese American family taken to an internment camp after Pearl Harbor. Switches between their time there, and San Francisco in 1978. Struggles and pain continue through 3 generations of women. Could. Not. Put. It. Down.

                                                     (Water for Elephants)
A fun and easy read! A love story that centers around life in the circus. I haven't yet seen the movie, but its on my list!

                                                          (Gone Girl)
A story of a couple and their difficult marriage. Suspense builds when the Nick Dunne's wife disappears and continues throughout the book as the reader learns more and more about their relationship. Would be an awesome book for a book club! So good!

What books are you loving? I am always taking suggestions!! :)

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