Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Recap & Burlap Wreath Crafting

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.... I most certainly did! My 3 favorite things from the holiday would have to be...

                                           1.  Wearing matching PJs with my husband

2. My needle point Lilly stocking

3. Monogrammed car mats! One of my favorite gifts

 Something that I absolutely LOVE about time off from work is the time it gives me to do lots of craft projects :) Tonight, I tackled a project that has been on my list for a while- the burlap loop wreath!

This project requires just a few materials and is pretty simple to complete. There are many tutorials out there that explain how to do this better than I probably could.. so I wont even go into detail.

As I made it I watched my new favorite show, Courtney Loves Dallas! I love pretty much every show on Bravo... but especially this one. Courtney is super fun and fashionable... and a blogger!


Till next time dolls!
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I've been a bad blogger the past two months! But now that school is (finally) out for Christmas I have a little time to blog. Life has been pretty low key lately.. Just preparing for Christmas and enjoying the season all the while! 

                              Obligatory tree photo

                      One of my favorite ornaments!

Besides finals, the past couple weeks I have been swamped filling orders from my etsy shop! Not that I'm complaining though- the extra money has allowed me to gift a little bigger this year :). 

I am hoping to post a couple of times a week throughout break, as well as read some books and enjoy time with family and friends!

Blessings to all!

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